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Kosher ADHD Surviving and Thriving in the Torah-Observant World


I welcome this weighty professional composition authored by my good friend, Dr. Simcha Chesner, and Dr. Sara Markowitz, Kosher ADHD. The topic is addressed with precision and sensitivity, comprehensive professional expertise, and above all, deep compassion. – Isaac Herzog, President of the State of Israel

Kosher ADHD is not only a useful and sensitive guidebook for individuals, parents, teachers and spouses who live with ADHD, but a wonderful tool that captures and integrates the values and ideals of Torah, Mitzvos and community into the real-life struggles and successes that go with it. This book is an essential toolbox, resource, and support for those who love, teach, work with or have ADHD in the frum community. – Dr. Yitzchak Schechter, Chief Clinical Officer, Achieve Behavioral Health

This book will be a fascinating and valuable read for parents, educators, and anyone who relates to an ADHD child or adult. For most of us, it will be life-changing; for some, lifesaving. – Haskel Lookstein, Rabbi Emeritus, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, New York City

Kosher ADHD provides tremendous insight into the adverse impact that ADHD can have on the practice of religion and on religiously-guided family life, while at the same time offering numerous recommendations for how to deal with such adversities within this cultural context. – Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychologist and Professor of Psychiatry


Weight 3 lbs


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