Talks delivered in 5704 (1943-1944) by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe
A Letter of 5726 (1966) by the Rebbe
Erev Rosh HaShanah, after Hataras Nedarim
Erev Rosh HaShanah, after the Comprehensive Pidyon Nefesh was Handed to the Rebbe
Erev Rosh HaShanah, after the Second Pidyon Nefesh was Handed to the Rebbe
The Second Night of Rosh HaShanah
The Second Day of Rosh HaShanah
The First Night of Sukkos
The First Day of Sukkos
The Second Night of Sukkos
The Second Day of Sukkos
Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos, Chol HaMoed & Hoshana Rabbah
The Night of Shemini Atzeres
Simchas Torah, at the Evening Kiddush
Simchas Torah, at the Seudah
Thursday, 6 MarCheshvan, Guidelines for Educational Activists, Group
Thursday, 6 MarCheshvan, Guidelines for Educational Activists, Group
Yud-Tes Kislev
Yud-Tes Kislev, Addendum
Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas Bo, at the Seudah
Yud-Gimmel Shvat, Yahrzeit of Rebbitzin Sterna Sarah
Sunday, Beis Nissan
Yud-Gimmel Nissan
The First Night of Pesach
The First Day of Pesach, at the Seudah
The Second Night of Pesach, at the Seder
The Second Day of Pesach, at the Seudah
Shvi’i shel Pesach, at the Daytime Seudah
The Day of Shvi’i shel Pesach, at the Seudah
The Eve of the Last Day of Pesach, at the Seudah
The Last Day of Pesach, at the Seudah
14 Iyar, Pesach Sheni, Tomchei Temimim Anniversary: Extracts from the Opening Talk
14 Iyar, Pesach Sheni, Tomchei Temimim Anniversary: Extracts from the Closing Talk
Lag BaOmer: Publisher’s Foreword by the Rebbe
Lag BaOmer
The First Night of Shavuos, at the Seudah
The First Day of Shavuos, at the Seudah
The Second Night of Shavuos, at the Seudah
The Second Day of Shavuos, at the Seudah
Shabbos Parshas Naso, at the Seudah
Sunday, 27 Sivan, at the Siyum of Mishnayos
Yud-Beis Tammuz
Hei Elul: Practices Observed during Mourning
Chai Elul: Conference of Agudas Chassidei Chabad
Weight | 4 lbs |
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