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The 25th Hour – The Story of Reb Itche der Masmid


During the first few months after his arrival in Tomchei Tmimim,Yitzchak spent every waking moment absorbed in learning Talmud and Halachah. His friends gently goaded him about not following the yeshiva schedule of integrating Chassidus into his daily studies,but Yitzchak would reply: “When the day has twenty-five hours, I will use the extra hour for studying chassidus…”

In truth, his adjustment to Tomchei Tmimim was not an easy one. Although he had been raised in a home permeated with Chassidic values,Yitzchak had dedicated many years of his life to learning Nigleh, and someone of his caliber – so dedicated to pure truth with an inner abhorrence to dishonesty – could not make an automatic switch without really meaning it. Unlike others,he could not change his character overnight,depending on his surroundings.
After spending much time in Tomchei Tmimim, learning, refining himself, participating in Chassidishe Farbrengens and experiencing Tishrei with the Rebbe Rashab, he now began directing his complete attention to the study of Chassidus. His friends who had teased him in the past for not dedicating more time to chassidus, were taken aback.
“Yitzchak!” they often said. “What happened? You are spending the entire day thinking Chassidus and davening! What happened with your study of Talmud?”
“What can I do” Yitzchak replied with a modified version of his earlier mantra. “There are not enough hours in the day.  When the day has twenty-five hours, I will use the extra hour for studying Nigleh…”
Weight 3 lbs


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