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The Mikdash Movement


A new book for children, titled “The Mikdash Movement,” explores the unique significance of Bais Rabbeinu, both during Golus and at the cusp of Geulah. Produced by the Tut Altz Kids at Merkos 302, this exploration comes to life through fun learning experiences.

Mendy slings his backpack over his shoulder, jogging down the bustling Eastern Parkway sidewalk. He glances up, a smile tugging at his lips. There it is, the familiar brick building where he davens every Shabbos—770. Today, though, a question nags at him. What makes this shul extra special from the myriads of others?

Miles away in a Chabad House, Rivka carefully packs her suitcase. Each passing second brings her closer to her annual trip to Crown Heights. She can’t wait to step inside 770 and daven alongside hundreds of others. Yet, there’s something that she wishes she would understand. What is it about 770 that draws visitors from every corner of the globe?

Enter The Mikdash Movement, a new book designed for Mendy, Rivka, and other children like them. Adapted from the sichah Beis Rabbeinu Shebibavel, A sichah edited and distributed by the Rebbe, it explores 770’s unique significance, both during Golus and at the cusp of Geulah, through engaging stories, fun learning, and interactive activities.

Based on the famous Sicha, The Mikdash Movement takes its readers on a journey through history and into the hidden powers of the Beis Hamikdash even after its most recent destruction, otherwise known as the Beis Rabbeinu in every era. Significantly, it tells of the current state of the Beis Rabbeinu, its centrality to Yiddishkeit today and its role in advancing Moshiach’s coming.

Weight 3 lbs


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